why Ytt?

Our teacher training programs offer incredible experiences that will help you connect, grow, and transform.

1. Deepen Your Practice

Yoga teacher training provides an immersive experience that helps you explore the philosophy, history, and deeper aspects of yoga. You'll not only advance your understanding of poses (asanas) but also gain insights into:

Breathwork (Pranayama): How breath control can enhance both your practice and well-being.

Meditation: Techniques to still the mind, build focus, and enhance self-awareness.

Yoga Philosophy: Discovering the teachings of ancient texts like the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, which provide timeless wisdom on living a balanced, meaningful life.

Anatomy and Physiology: Understanding the body at a deeper level to practice yoga safely and effectively.

2. Personal Growth and Transformation

Teacher training is a time for self-reflection and personal development. You'll cultivate mindfulness, resilience, and a greater sense of purpose. This growth often extends far beyond the mat, helping you navigate life's challenges with more clarity and balance. The tools you'll acquire can spark a profound inner transformation, bringing you closer to your authentic self.

3. Community Connection

YTT creates a close-knit group of like-minded individuals who are on the same path of self-discovery. These connections can be lifelong friendships and a support system, both during training and beyond. The shared experience of vulnerability and growth helps build deep bonds, creating a sense of belonging and purpose within the yoga community.

4. Empowerment to Teach and Inspire

Becoming a certified yoga teacher empowers you to share the gift of yoga with others. Not only will you gain the skills to lead classes confidently, but you'll also have the opportunity to inspire and uplift your students. Teaching can be a fulfilling way to make a positive impact in your community by helping others find peace, balance, and well-being.

5. Career and Life Flexibility

Whether you plan to teach yoga part-time, full-time, or simply enhance your personal practice, YTT opens up new career and lifestyle opportunities. Many teachers enjoy the freedom to design their own schedules, work in diverse environments (from studios to retreats), and build businesses that align with their passions.

6. Self-Healing and Well-Being

YTT isn’t just about teaching others—it’s also a journey of self-healing. By dedicating time to your practice, you strengthen your body, calm your mind, and nourish your soul. It’s a holistic experience that enhances both physical and emotional well-being.


  • Personal Growth: Enhance your yoga practice and life.

  • Teaching Skills: Learn to teach a well-rounded sequence suitable for students and as a foundation for your practice.

  • Yoga Poses: Recognize, learn, and teach common yoga poses, understanding their intentions.

  • Adjustments: Understand limitations in yoga poses and learn how to adjust.

  • Breathing Practices: Learn and teach common breathing practices and their significance.

  • Yoga Philosophy: Dive deep into yoga philosophy and its relevance to modern life.

  • Sequencing: Safely sequence a class that everyone will love and want to take again. You will have the proficiency to lead both a complete vinyasa class and a restorative class.

  • The Business of Yoga: Learn how to set yourself apart and promote your classes.


  • Asana

  • Historical context

  • Poses specific to RYS's lineage—must include sukhasana and savasana

  • Complete sequencing (asana, pranayama, meditation) to achieve particular effect safely

  • Shared anatomical and alignment principles plus contraindications

  • Pranayama & Subtle Body

  • Historical context

  • Effects of pranayama on anatomy and subtle body

  • Complete sequencing of pranayama safely, including alternatives and adaptations Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, among others

  • Koshas, kleshas, chakras, nadis and prana vayus

  • Meditation

  • Key meditation terms

  • Meditation methods by lineage

  • Ability to practice school's chosen meditation practice

  • Chanting, mantras, and mudras

  • Anatomy

  • Skeletal system, incl.:

  • Major bones

  • Types of joints

  • Major muscles involved in asana

  • Types of muscle contraction

  • Physiology

  • Nervous system, incl.:fight, flight, freeze’ stress response, vagal theory, overall mind-body connection

  • Cardiovascular/circulatory, endocrine, digestive systems as they relate to yoga practice

  • Respiratory system, incl. muscles that affect breathing, involuntary vs voluntary breath, how air enters and leaves body

  • Biomechanics

  • Types of joint movements

  • Joint stabilization

  • Safe movement as it pertains to balancing, stretching, awareness, and physical limitations

  • Contraindications, misalignments, adaptations

  • History

  • Term ‘yoga’

  • School’s lineage, style, and methodology

  • Dates and key ideas such as the Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha, Colonial,

  • Modern

  • Philosophy

  • Definition of yoga and key terms

  • Relationship between asana, pranayama, meditation per school’s approach

  • Familiarity w/ major yogic texts (i.e., Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita,

  • Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika)

  • Self-reflection on how philosophy relates to practice

  • Ethics

  • Awareness of Yoga Sutras or similar yogic ethical precepts

  • Relationship to Yoga Alliance Ethical Commitment including Scope of

  • Practice, Code of Conduct, and Equity Position Statement

  • Comprehension of and responsibility to increase equity in yoga

  • Accountability measures

  • Self-reflection on how yoga ethics relate to practice and teaching

  • Teaching Methodology

  • Sequencing

  • Pace

  • Environment Cueing(verbal,visual, physical)

  • Class management

  • Professional Development

  • Yoga-related professional organizations, including the Yoga Alliance credentialing process

  • Ethical Commitment, including Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct and

  • Equity Position Statement

  • Lifetime of learning and continuing education

  • General professionalism, including timeliness, consistency, cleanliness

  • Marketing and promotion

  • Liability insurance, waivers, invoicing

  • Practicum (Practice Teaching)

  • Knowledge,skills, experience across 12 key competencies

  • Mentorship component,incl. apprenticeship, feedback