Policies and procedures

Time / Breaks

  • Please arrive on time and prepared to learn. Our time together is precious, and we want to make the most of every moment.

  • Bring enough food and drinks to sustain you throughout the day. We recommend choosing light, vegetarian, or non-pungent foods to be mindful of the shared space. Refrigerator space is available for storing your meals if needed.


  • Falls Yoga and Barre has two bathrooms with showers available for your use.

  • Please remember to bring everything you’ll need for the day—books, bags, meals, and any personal items. We also have plenty of yoga props on hand for your convenience.

Make up hours

  • It is highly recommended that you DO NOT miss any hours during our short time together. Especially on weekends when we dive deeper into certain topics it can become challenging to make up work.

  • If you must miss any hours please see below the potential make up requirements:

  • . Private or Small Group Sessions

    Schedule a private makeup class with the lead trainer or assistant teacher.

  • Attendance at Additional Workshops or Classes

    You may attend a workshops or class that covers information missed on specific topic.

  • Extended Homework Assignments or Projects

    Additional homework, reading, or special projects may be assigned related to missed content.

  • Extra Practice Teaching

    Add additional practice teaching hours with other trainees or volunteers.